15 Basic Tricks to Teach A Golden Retriever + FAQ

Reading Time: 12 mins
teaching a golden retriever high five

Teaching tricks to your Golden Retriever can be a fun and rewarding experience. Not only does teaching tricks help strengthen the bond between you and your pup, but it also helps keep them safe in potentially dangerous situations. With patience, dedication and lots of positive reinforcement, teaching Golden Retrievers tricks will become second nature! Whether you’re teaching basic commands or more complex behaviors, understanding how to motivate your pup is key for successful training sessions. Read on to find out the best tips and techniques for teaching Golden Retrievers tricks quickly and effectively!

When is it best to start teaching a dog?

It’s important to start teaching tricks as soon as possible, and the best time to start teaching is when your Golden Retriever is 8-10 weeks old. Puppies learn quickly at this age because they are still developing their personalities and learning how to interact with humans. As puppies age, they become more independent and will take longer to learn new behaviors.

Best Ways To Teach a dog Basic Tricks

1- Positive reinforcement and consistency

Positive reinforcement is key when teaching your Golden Retriever tricks. Using treats, toys, and verbal praise as rewards can help motivate your pup to learn faster. It’s also important to be consistent with commands and training sessions so that they don’t become confused or overwhelmed.

2- Repetition

Repetition of commands is essential for teaching a dog new tricks. Start by teaching one trick at a time and repeating the command several times until it becomes second nature

3-Using hand signals

Hand signals are great for teaching dogs tricks because they provide easy visual cues for your pup to understand. Many people find it helpful to pair hand signals with verbal commands so that their pup learns the behavior faster.

4-Break it down

Some tricks require multiple steps or behaviors to be performed in succession. Breaking these behaviors into smaller, more manageable pieces will help your pup understand each step and make learning easier.

5-Be patient

Teaching dogs takes patience and dedication. Remember that teaching your pup a new trick is a process; it can take time before they master it. If you get frustrated, take a break and return to teaching when you feel more positive.

6- Observe and Plan

Observing your pup’s behaviors and body language will help you better understand their needs during training sessions. This can help you plan ahead and adjust your teaching style accordingly.

7- using another human to show the behavior and the action to the cue

Having another person demonstrate the desired behavior with you in front of your pup can help them understand it more quickly. This technique is especially useful for teaching complex behaviors like agility or retriever games.

8- Work in low-distraction environments

To ensure your pup is focused on learning, it’s best to practice teaching tricks in low-distraction environments. Fewer distractions will help your pup focus on the task at hand and make learning easier.

9- Take frequent breaks

Taking regular breaks during teaching sessions will help your pup stay engaged and focused on learning. Breaks can also be a great time to reward your pup for their hard work.

10- Have Fun

Training sessions should be fun and enjoyable for both you and your pup! Keep training sessions short and positive, and don’t be afraid to make teaching tricks creative.

golden retriever puppy eating a pill in grass field wearing a red scarf

15 basic Tricks to Teach A Golden Retriever

1. Sit

Teaching your Golden Retriever the sit command is one of the most basic and important teaching tricks to have in your repertoire. To do this, find a treat or toy that they enjoy and hold it in front of their nose; once they focus on it, slowly pull it up above their head so that their hind legs step back and into a sitting position. Give them lots of praise when they do this correctly and provide reinforcement with the treat or toy. Once your pup catches on, you can start teaching them to sit on command by having them sit from a standstill position and providing reinforcement with verbal praise and treats.

2. Shake

Teaching your Golden Retriever to shake hands (or paws) is an easy yet fun trick for any pup to learn. Start by getting your pup into a sitting position, then put one hand out with the palm facing up while saying “shake”; using treats or toys as motivation, gently guide their paw onto yours, so they understand what you want them to do. When they successfully offer their paw, give them lots of verbal praise and reinforce the behavior with a reward! With consistent practice, your pup will eventually be able to offer its paw without needing any guidance or prompts from you.

3. Lie Down

Teaching your Golden Retriever the lie-down command is another important teaching trick to have in your repertoire—not only will it help keep them calm during times of excitement, but it can also come in handy whenever you need help calming down other pets around them (such as cats). To teach this trick, start by getting your pup into a standing position before presenting them with something desirable, such as a treat or toy; when their attention is focused on it, slowly lower it down towards the floor while gradually pushing down on their backside until they eventually lay down—give plenty of verbal praise when done correctly! With practice and consistency, your pup should eventually understand how to lay down on command without needing any physical prompts from you.

4. Roll Over

Rolling over may seem like an intimidating trick at first but teaching it isn’t too difficult once you get started! Begin by teaching your pup how to roll onto one side first before progressing onto teaching both sides—first lure them into rolling over with treats before giving the cue “roll over” once they are successful at rolling onto either side, keep practicing until they become proficient at rolling over without needing guidance from you each time! Additionally, be sure to reward each successful attempt with verbal praise and treats for maximum effectiveness!

5. High Five

High-fiving with someone is definitely something Golden Retrievers love—it looks cute and helps bring out all those natural behaviors that make these pups so special! To teach this tricky trick, start by teaching basic commands such as “sit” and “paw” first before introducing high five by holding out one hand for them to touch with their paw whilst saying “high five” clearly; if done correctly, then reward every successful attempt with lots of verbal praise as well as treats for extra motivation! With consistent practice and positive reinforcement, teaching this trick should become easier over time until eventually transitioning into teaching more complex behaviors such as fist bumps or giving kisses!

6. Speak/Bark On Cue

Teaching your Golden Retriever to bark on command is a great way to help them express their feelings. Start by teaching them a standard “speak” command, then reward them with treats when they get it right. As they become more comfortable and proficient, you can have them bark multiple times or on different notes.

7. Spin In A Circle

This is a fun trick that many Golden Retrievers love to learn! To teach this trick, stand in front of your pup and hold out a treat for them to see. Slowly move the treat around your pup in a circle and say “spin” as you go around, giving them the treat once they finish the circle. With enough repetition, they’ll soon be spinning circles on their own!

8. Find It

Playing hide & seek with your Golden Retriever is a great way to keep them entertained and give them some mental stimulation. To teach this trick, find a treat or toy that they really like and show it to your pup before hiding it somewhere in plain sight—such as behind the couch or under a chair—then tell them to “find it”. When they find the item, reward them with lots of praise and treats! If you want to make things more challenging for your pup, you can gradually increase the difficulty by hiding items in harder-to-find places until they eventually understand how to find things without being told where it is first.

9. Fetch Ball/Toy

This is a classic trick that Golden Retrievers love! Begin teaching this one by having your pup sit and stay while you throw their favorite toy a short distance away—give them the “fetch” command as soon as they start running towards it. As they become more comfortable and proficient, you can gradually increase the distance of thrown items; reward every successful attempt with lots of verbal praise and treats for extra motivation!

10. Stay

One of the most crucial tricks you can teach your Golden Retriever is called ‘Stay’. To do this, tell them to sit and stay in one place. Stay means that they cannot move until you give them permission. Give them a treat every time they stay in one place until you say it’s okay to move.

11. Jump Through A Hoop

Jumping through a hoop is fun for Golden Retrievers and good exercise for their physical health! The best way to teach this trick is by using two hoops—one large one standing up straight that your pup can easily jump through, and one slightly smaller one at an angle (like a ramp). Have your pup walk up the ramp-like hoop with treats, then give the command “jump” when she reaches the top, so she knows what she needs to do. Give her lots of praise and rewards when she successfully jumps through both hoops!

12. Balance Treats On the Nose

Balancing treats on their nose teaches your Golden Retriever patience while also teaching self-control—two important behaviors that all dogs should learn! Start by teaching your pup how to sit still while holding something (such as a treat) between their paws first before moving on balancing treats on their nose instead; place small pieces of soft dog treats on their noses and teach them not to react until given the release cue (which could be “okay!” or “give it”). Reward every successful attempt with lots of praise and huggies!

13. Play Dead/Take A Nap

Playing dead is another fun trick that Golden Retrievers enjoy learning—not only will it give you something fun to do together, but it also helps teach important behaviors such as staying calm when asked or lying still for long periods. All you need to teach this trick is something soft (such as a pillow or towel) for your puppy lay down on before giving the command “play dead/take a nap”; if done correctly, then reward her each time with lots of praise, so she knows she did well!

14. Carry Things In Their Mouth

This practical trick can come in handy whenever you need help carrying items from place to place; teaching this trick starts off by having your pup carry light objects such as stuffed animals or empty water bottles in their mouth before gradually increasing size/weight over time until eventually transitioning into carrying heavier objects such as grocery bags around without issues

15. Follow Commands From A Distance

Teaching commands from afar will help build obedience even if there are distractions present; start by teaching simple commands such as sit/stay close by before slowly increasing the distance between yourself and the puppy while repeating the same commands until eventually reaching the maximum distance apart possible without losing control over behavior desired performed

red golden retriever playing with little girl in dog park


How quickly can I expect my pup to learn new tricks?

It depends on your pup’s individual learning ability and the complexity of the trick. Start by teaching basic commands and then slowly move up to teaching more complex tricks – practice patience and be sure to reward good behavior!

How To Successfully Teach a Golden Retriever Fun Tricks?

Teaching a Golden Retriever fun tricks is an enjoyable activity for both pet and owner alike, as well as being beneficial for teaching important behaviors like self-control, obedience, and patience.

Consistency and rewards are the keys to teaching your Golden Retriever tricks. Be sure you’re consistent with teaching and repeating commands and rewarding them when they do something correctly (this includes verbal praise and treats). It also helps to keep training sessions short and fun; sometimes, making games out of teaching a trick can help make it more memorable for the pup! Lastly, don’t get frustrated if teaching takes longer than expected—every dog learns differently and at their own pace. With patience and dedication, your Golden Retriever will learn all sorts of cool tricks in no time!

The best way to do this is by starting off with simple commands such as sit/stay before gradually increasing the difficulty level; reward all successes with verbal praise and treats to ensure your pup’s motivation remains high. Additionally, teaching tricks from afar help build obedience even when distractions are present—start by teaching commands close by before slowly increasing the distance apart until eventually reaching the maximum. Other fun tricks include teaching your pup how to fetch objects, stay in one place, jump through hoops, balance treats on their nose or play dead/take a nap! Both you and your Golden Retriever will have loads of fun practicing these tricks together!

What are the easiest tricks to teach a Golden Retriever?

Sit, Stay and Fetch are the easiest tricks to teach a Golden Retriever. Additionally, teaching them how to balance treats on their nose and teaching them not to react until given the release cue are great for teaching self-control and obedience. Playing dead/taking a nap is also an enjoyable trick that helps with teaching important behaviors such as staying calm when asked or lying still for long periods of time. With patience and dedication, your Golden Retriever will be able to learn all sorts of cool tricks in no time!

How do you teach Golden Retrievers obedience from a distance?

Teaching dogs to respond to different cues even when we are a long distance away has advantages. Our dogs are unlikely to comply without distance training. For a consistent response, extensive remote training is required.

Distance training allows dogs to communicate in an emergency, potentially saving their lives. The most common example is dogs that escape by accident. During hunting season, a dog running loose in the country may be hit by a car, run off and become disoriented, or be shot.

A dog that escapes but always returns when called can save its owner from serious danger. That is why asking her to sit or lie down and stay from a distance is critical. Successful distance training leads to successful distance behavior.

Even in less dangerous situations, distance training can keep your dog safe.

It is sometimes more convenient than safe to have your dog respond remotely. It makes life easier to be able to tell your dog what to do. Distance training allows you to act more freely, which is beneficial.

How do I know if my Golden Retriever is understanding the commands I’m teaching them?

One of the best ways to know if your Golden Retriever is understanding what you are teaching them is by observing their behavior and body language. Your pup should be attentive to your commands and alert as they try to obey them. Positive reinforcement, such as verbal praise or treats, will motivate your pup during teaching sessions, so reward good behavior whenever possible. Additionally, observe how quickly they learn new tricks—if a particular trick takes longer than expected or seems more difficult for your pup, break down the steps into small chunks and practice each step one at a time before trying again. With patience and dedication, you’ll be able to tell when your Golden Retriever has mastered the trick!

Are treats necessary for teaching Golden Retrievers tricks?

yes and no. it depends on what motivates your golden retriever. treats are an effective way to reward and reinforce good behavior, so it can be helpful to have on hand. However, verbal praise is also important for teaching tricks – dogs understand the sound of their owner’s voice and will work hard to please them. Ultimately, find out what motivates your pup best – some may enjoy treats more than others while some may respond better to verbal praise. With a bit of trial and error, you’ll find out what works best for teaching your Golden Retriever tricks!

Are there any special considerations when teaching Golden Retrievers tricks?

When teaching Golden Retrievers tricks, you should always keep in mind their size and age. Smaller puppies will need extra care when teaching tricks due to their size, and teaching more complex tricks may be difficult for them. Additionally, teaching a Golden Retriever puppy requires patience, as it takes time for puppies to learn and understand commands. Make sure you have lots of treats on hand and take frequent breaks during teaching sessions – your pup needs time to rest, too!

What is the best way to motivate a Golden Retriever to learn new tricks quickly?

Love and Treats go a long way. But you need to observe your pup to see what interests them and use it to your advantage. Offer lots of verbal praise and treats whenever they do something right. Use positive reinforcement to motivate your pup.

Should verbal praise be used when teaching a Golden Retriever tricks?

It is recommended because dogs understand our body language very well, and our voice on some basic levels. Verbal praise is an incredibly powerful tool to motivate your pup and can be used in teaching tricks as a reward or reinforcement.

My Puppy is Stubborn, and I cannot teach him. What should I do?

Patience is key when teaching a puppy. Make sure that you are teaching in short sessions and giving them plenty of positive reinforcement. You may want to start by teaching basic commands, like sit or stay, before moving on to more complex tricks. And if your pup seems particularly stubborn, take breaks throughout teaching sessions to let him rest and relax. Learn what interests your puppy and use it to your advantage!


Training your Golden Retriever to learn tricks can be an exciting and rewarding experience. While teaching tricks, it’s important to keep in mind the size and age of your pup, as teaching more complex tricks may be more difficult for smaller puppies and require more patience. Positive reinforcement, such as verbal praise or rewards, is essential when teaching tricks and will help motivate your pup to learn faster. Treats can be an effective way to reward good behavior but ensure you observe your pup to find out what motivates them best, as some may respond better to verbal praise. With patience and dedication, teaching Golden Retrievers tricks can be a fun and enjoyable experience!

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