35 Reasons Why Golden Retrievers are Great!

Reading Time: 10 mins
golden retriever side view smiling

Golden Retrievers are some of the most beloved dogs in the world. They’re loyal, friendly, and often have a great sense of humor. But there is much more to these amazing animals than meets the eye. From their loyalty to their intelligence, these furry friends will bring joy into your life with each passing day! Whether you’re looking for a new family member or want to learn more about these lovable canines, you’ll find plenty of reasons why Golden Retrievers should be your first choice when it comes to finding a four-legged friend. Here are 35 reasons why Golden Retrievers make such wonderful pets and companions.

Here are the 35 reasons why Goldens are The Best Dogs:

1. Golden retrievers are very intelligent.

One of the best things about golden retrievers is their intelligence. They are quick to learn, and they can be trained easily with a little patience and consistency. Golden retrievers have been known to pick up commands in just a few repetitions, making them easier to train than some other breeds. They also retain what they’ve learned for longer periods, meaning that once you’ve taken the time to teach your retriever something new, they will likely remember it for years after.

2. They have great temperaments and make excellent family dogs.

Golden retrievers are known for their gentle and friendly nature, making them great family companions. They are incredibly good-natured, patient, and loyal dogs who enjoy spending time with people. They do well around both children and other animals and can even be used as therapy dogs because of their calm manner.

Read More: Are golden retrievers good with children? Fully Explained and more!

3. They’re loyal and loving.

Golden retrievers are incredibly loyal and loving animals. They form strong, lasting bonds with their owners and will do anything to please them. Golden retrievers often recognize their owners from a distance, and they love to show their affection through snuggles and kisses. This breed is the perfect companion for anyone looking for unconditional love!

Read More: Are Golden Retrievers Protective of Their Families? (0 to 100 Explained)

4. Golden retrievers love playing fetch with their owners and other animals in the house

One of the most beloved activities for golden retrievers is playing fetch. Not only do they love running around, chasing after a ball or frisbee, but it also helps them use up their excess energy. Golden retrievers are very enthusiastic. when it comes to this game, they usually won’t stop until you’re tired

5. Golden retrievers can easily learn commands like sit, stay, come and heel

Golden retrievers are naturally eager to please their owners, and as a result, they can learn very quickly. With the right amount of patience and consistency, you can easily teach your golden retriever commands like sit, stay, come and heel in no time. This makes them great for obedience classes or just learning some simple tricks at home.

6. They’re gentle around children of all ages

Golden retrievers are incredibly gentle and patient around children. They’ll never be too rough or jumpy, which makes them a great option if you have young kids in the house. They also make for wonderful playmates and can help teach your little ones responsibility by having them help out with feeding and walking duties. Golden retrievers love spending time with their owners, so you can rest assured your furry friend will be a great addition to the family.

7. Their fur is soft and awesome to pet

Golden retrievers have beautiful, soft fur that is a real treat to pet. They don’t shed very very much, which makes them ideal if you’re looking for a low-maintenance dog. Even during shedding season, it’s not too bad and can easily be managed with regular brushing and vacuuming.

Read More: Why do golden retrievers shed ? (0 to 100 explained)

smiling golden retriever standing on rock in tall grass field

8 . They rarely bark unless there is a valid reason to do so

Golden retrievers may bark from time to time, but they rarely do so without a valid reason. They’re very alert animals and will let you know if someone is approaching your home or if something unusual is happening. This makes them great watchdogs, while still keeping the barking to a minimum.

Read More: Is your golden retriever barking a lot? Find out why and how to prevent it.

9 . Golden Retrievers have great life spans which average from 10-14 years old

Golden Retrievers are known to be relatively healthy and long-lived dogs. On average, they can live up to 10-14 years old with proper care and nutrition. This makes them the perfect companion for anyone who wants a loyal friend in their life for many years to come!

Read More: The Golden Retriever : History, Types and Traits

10 . They are friendly toward strangers

Golden Retrievers are generally very friendly and outgoing dogs. They love meeting new people and animals, and will often greet strangers with a wagging tail. With the right socialization, a golden retriever can be a great family member or companion for anyone who likes to spend time with others.

Read More: Golden Retriever Suddenly Aggressive: Causes & Solutions

11 . Golden Retrievers are willing to please

Golden Retrievers are known for their intelligence and eagerness to please. They’re very trainable, so you can easily teach them commands or tricks with a bit of patience and consistency. They also love getting praise and rewards once they have completed tasks, which makes training even more enjoyable!

12 . They tend not to wander away from home

Golden Retrievers typically won’t wander away from their owners. They usually want to stay close, so you don’t have to worry about them running off or getting lost when they’re outside. This makes them the perfect companion for anyone who wants a reliable furry friend by their side.

13 . Excellent guard dogs (not attack dogs)

Although they do not attack dogs, Golden Retrievers make excellent guard dogs. They’re very alert and will bark to let you know if someone is approaching your home or if something unusual is happening. This makes them the perfect addition to any family that needs a vigilant companion.

14 . Easy to train

Golden Retrievers are one of the most intelligent breeds of dogs. They’re very eager to plea and love getting praise and rewards when they do something right. With the right training, you can easily teach them commands or tricks in no time! You can also use positive reinforcement to help motivate your Golden Retriever.

golden retriever puppy eating a pill in grass field wearing a red scarf

15 . Athletic

Golden Retrievers are very active and athletic dogs. They love running, playing fetch, and swimming, so they need plenty of exercises every day to stay healthy. This makes them a great choice for anyone who likes to go on long walks or hikes. With the right amount of exercise and mental stimulation, your Golden Retriever will be happy and healthy!

16 . Flexible

Golden Retrievers are very flexible and adaptable dogs. They can live in a variety of different environments, from small apartments to large farms. With the right care and attention, they make excellent companions for any lifestyle!

17 . Highly adaptable

Golden Retrievers are known for their adaptability. They can adjust to new people, places and situations with ease. This makes them an ideal choice for anyone who is looking for a loyal and reliable companion!

18 . Low maintenance

Golden Retrievers don’t require a lot of maintenance. They just need regular meals, daily exercise, and plenty of love and attention to stay happy and healthy. With the right care, your Golden Retriever can be a great companion for many years to come!

19 . Not prone to aggression

Golden Retrievers are generally friendly and affectionate dogs. They don’t have a tendency to be aggressive, so you can trust them around children and other pets without worrying about any potential problems. With proper socialization, your Golden Retriever will make the perfect addition to any family!

Read More: Does your golden retriever have aggressive behavior? causes & solutions

happy golden retriever in street with blurred background

20 . Medium size

Golden Retrievers are a medium-sized breed of dog. They can range from 22 to 24 inches in height and weigh around 65 to 75 pounds. This makes them the perfect size for many households, as they don’t take up too much space!

21 . Good swimmers

Golden Retrievers have a natural affinity for water. They love to swim and are excellent swimmers, making them the perfect companion for anyone who enjoys visiting the beach or lake!

Read More: Can Golden Retrievers Swim? Everything You Need to Know

22 . Easygoing

Golden Retrievers are known for their easygoing and friendly personalities. They love spending time with their families and enjoy meeting new people. With the right care and attention, your Golden Retriever can be a loyal and loving companion for many years to come!

23 . Good for first-time pet owners

Golden Retrievers are an excellent choice for first-time pet owners. They’re relatively low maintenance and don’t require a lot of special care or attention. With the right training and guidance, your Golden Retriever can be a great companion for anyone who wants to experience the joys of pet ownership!

24 . Easy-to-groom

Golden Retrievers are easy to groom and maintain. They have a thick double coat that sheds heavily twice a year, so you should brush them regularly to keep their fur looking its best. Regular nail trimmings and occasional baths will also help to keep them clean and tidy.

Read More: Golden Retriever Coat Maintenance! 0 to 100 explained!

27 Enjoys companionship

Golden Retrievers love being around their families and other people. They’re very social animals who thrive on companionship and attention. If you’re looking for a loving and loyal companion, then a Golden Retriever is a perfect choice!

27 Affectionate

Golden Retrievers are incredibly affectionate and loving dogs. They will shower their families with love and attention, making them great cuddle buddies! With the right training and guidance, your Golden Retriever will be a devoted companion for many years to come.

Read More: 16 Reasons Why Dogs are the cure for loneliness!

smiling golden retriever head petted by man

28 Good with other animals

Golden Retrievers are naturally friendly and tolerant of other animals. With proper socialization, your Golden Retriever can learn to get along with cats, birds, and other small animals. This makes them an ideal choice for anyone who wants to add a pet to their family!

Read More: Are Golden Retrievers Good With Cats? (Fully Explained!)

29 . Great sense of smell

Golden Retrievers have an incredible sense of smell, which makes them excellent at tracking and retrieving things. This makes them great hunting companions and can even be used in search-and-rescue operations!

30 . Loyal to their owners.

Golden Retrievers are fiercely loyal to their families. They will always be there for you, no matter what. With the right care and attention, your Golden Retriever will be an amazing companion for many years to come!

31 . great travel companions

Golden Retrievers love to explore and are great travel companions. They’re adaptable and uncomplaining, making them the perfect companion to travel with!

Read More: Hiking with Dogs: 19 Things You Should Know Before You Go.

32 . Not Prone to many health issues

Golden Retrievers are generally a healthy breed and not prone to many health issues. With the right diet and exercise, your Golden Retriever can be a healthy and happy companion for many years to come!

33 . Adaptable to different climates

Golden Retrievers are highly adaptable and can tolerate a wide range of temperatures. This makes them great companions for any climate, from cold winters to hot summers!

Read More: Panting in golden retrievers. What you didn’t know!

34 . Great hunting partners

Golden Retrievers are excellent hunting companions. They have an amazing sense of smell and can be trained to track and retrieve game. With the right training and guidance, your Golden Retriever can be a great hunting partner!

Read More: Train your golden retriever to hunt! (0 to 100 explained)

35 . great service dogs

Golden Retrievers make great service dogs. They’re intelligent and loyal, which makes them an ideal companion for those with disabilities or special needs. With the right training and guidance, your Golden Retriever can become a supportive and loving service dog!

Read More: Golden Retriever Service Dogs: Essential Tips for Training

golden retriever service dog sitting and smiling

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Golden Retrievers have a lot going for them and make excellent companions. With their intelligence, loyalty, and gentle nature, Golden Retrievers are perfect family dogs that can be enjoyed by everyone in the household. From playing fetch to providing comfort and companionship, Golden Retrievers are loving, loyal dogs that will always be there for you. With the right care and training, your Golden Retriever can be a great companion for many years to come!

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Read More: 20 Tips for Properly Socializing a Golden Retriever Puppy + FAQs

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Read More: How to Potty Train Your Golden Retriever Puppy: 10 Step Guide

Read More: How To Prepare for Your First Golden Retriever Puppy (yourself and your home)

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