11 Best Brain Games To Play With Golden Retrievers

Reading Time: 8 mins
golden retriever standing in snow

Are you looking for brain games to play with your golden retriever? If so, then you’ve come to the right place! Golden retrievers are smart and active dogs that need brain stimulation to stay happy and healthy. Luckily, plenty of fun mind games can help keep them mentally engaged while also providing a great bonding experience between dog and owner. From scent games to dancing together, Red Light Green Light, Jumping Rope, or Ring Stackers – all these activities will help strengthen the bond between you two while boosting problem-solving skills and teaching patience and discipline simultaneously. So let’s get started!

Why Are Brain games important when you own a golden retriever?

Playing brain games regularly with Golden Retrievers isn’t just fun and helps strengthen their mental agility alongside reinforcing obedient behavior patterns through consistent rewards. Brain games also maintain proper physical activity levels essential for healthy growth & development, along with aiding the learning process effectively – all done in a fun & engaging way without boring repetitions involved whatsoever!

11 best mind-stimulating games to play with golden retrievers

Hide & Seek:

a great brain game to play with your golden retriever is hide & seek. Have them sit in one spot while you “hide” behind an obstacle, then call their name to get them to come to find you.

To play with a new pup, you must either teach them a solid sit-stay or have a helper hold them while you hide. Depending on your training, either option is fine. If the dog gets up and comes to you before you hide, keep training the stay or have someone hold them.

Start slowly so the dog can gain confidence and enthusiasm for the game. Start the game at home. Go one room away and stand in the middle. Say a phrase each time you play to help your dog find you. Call the dog when you hide in your spot and say, “come and get me”! “Where is daddy/mommy?” is another good one. Praise their work when they find you. This will keep them interested.

Hide harder each time you play.

Puzzle Toys:

Puzzle toys are a great way to keep your goldens entertained and engaged, as they have to use their minds to figure out how the puzzle works and what reward lies beneath it!

The best dog puzzle toys encourage curiosity, mental stimulation, and problem-solving. These toys tire out hyperactive golden retrievers, helping you both sleep better.

Like different dog breeds suit different people, the best dog toy depends on your dog’s chewing habits. Choose a dog puzzle toy based on durability, interaction, and dog size.

Treasure Hunt:

Create a treasure hunt for your golden by hiding treats around the house for them to find using their sense of smell. Be sure not to place too many treats so this brain game doesn’t turn into doggie freebies!

First, make sure your dog follows basic commands. Before teaching your dog to find things, teach them to sit, stand, and run.

Reward your dog after each training success. It will boost your puppy’s confidence, discipline, and understanding.

After the basics, give your dog a treat and put it in front of her. Instruct them to stand and wait for your next command.

Say a command when you want to give your dog a treat. Hunt.

Now it’s time to Hide the treat in the room first, then throughout the living room. Let your dog sniff the treat. if the dog gets confused on the first few tries, You can point out the treat to your dog when starting a treasure hunt. However, it is important for your dog to understand the command and the game of treasure hunt before you can go further

Once you and your dog can find treats hidden inside the room, you can hide them throughout your living room. Reward your dog after they find each hidden treat.

After your dog masters housefinding, you can get creative with it outside. To stimulate your dog’s senses, organize an outdoor treasure hunt.

Don’t cave. Successful players are persistent and patient.

The Which Hand Game

The Which Hand Game is an interactive brain game for golden retrievers that encourages problem-solving and develops their cognitive skills. The game’s goal is for the dog to figure out which hand has a hidden food reward.

To start, you’ll need two rewards, such as small pieces of kibble or treats. Place one reward in your closed fist and the other in your open hand. Show both of your hands to your dog, then slightly hide them behind your back.

Call out a command such as “Which hand?” or “Where is it?” and wait for them to choose the correct hand by sniffing or pawing at it. Reward them with the treat they chose!

If they don’t understand what you’re asking, try using different words or hand signals until they catch on.

Keep playing the game until they start guessing correctly every time. As they learn, you can increase the difficulty by hiding treats in both hands or switching up which hand holds the reward each time.

The Which Hand Game is a great brain game for golden retrievers, as it encourages problem-solving and stimulates their mind. Plus, it’s great fun for you and your pup!

The Shell Game

The Shell Game is a brain game that encourages problem-solving and cognitive development in golden retrievers. Its goal is for the pup to find the reward hidden beneath one of three shells or cups.

To play, you will need three opaque shells or cups and two rewards, such as treats, kibble, or toys. Place one of these rewards under one of the shells or cups, mix them up, and show all three items to your pup before hiding them behind your back. Call out a command such as “Which cup?” and wait for your pup to choose which shell or cup has the reward hidden beneath it by sniffing or pawing at it. When they guess correctly, reward them with the treat from underneath!

If your pup doesn’t understand what you’re asking, try using different words or hand signals until they catch on. You can increase the difficulty of this brain game by hiding treats under multiple shells/cups each time and switching up which one holds the reward at every turn. This brain game is great for teaching patience and discipline to golden retrievers!

The Shell Game is an excellent brain game for golden retrievers to keep their minds busy while developing problem-solving skills. As they get better at finding where the treat is located, they’ll become more patient and confident while honing their cognitive abilities. Plus, it’s a fun activity that you can do with your pup!

Put Your Toys Away

Put Your Toys Away is another brain game that challenges golden retrievers’ problem-solving abilities while helping maintain orderliness around the house. To play this brain game, simply show several toys that are lying around in front of your dog while giving verbal commands like “put away” or “put down”. When they do so properly (without messing around), give them plenty of praise along with a tasty snack as a reward! As they learn this trick, consistently start increasing the difficulty level by introducing different toys into the mix every day – making sure not even once any toy gets left behind after the playing session ends – strengthening bonds between the two of you all while keeping Golden Retriever’s minds busy!

Find the smell

Find the Smell is a brain game that engages your pup’s sense of smell while developing their problem-solving skills. To play, you will need various items with different scents, such as essential oils or spices. Place the items around your house, then let your pup sniff around and try to find the correct scent. When they locate it, reward them with a treat or praise!

As they learn the game, you can increase the difficulty by using multiple scents or hiding the items in different places each time. This brain game is great for stimulating and developing your pup’s cognitive abilities while having a lot of fun!

Another way for a scent game is using empty boxes. Clean boxes from deliveries work well.

Place empty boxes on the floor while your dog is away. Put treats in boxes. Encourage your dog to search in the box room. Praise and let your dog eat a treat from a box. After your dog finds all the hidden treats, bring in another treat and keep their nose on it to lure them out of the search area. Praise your dog and give the treat. This helps your dog understand you’re playing a game. It will also prevent them from looking for more treats and becoming frustrated.

dancing with you

Dancing with you is yet another brain game suitable for golden retrievers – one which stimulates both body movement coordination and mental capabilities when done properly! Put on some music that makes you both happy, then start dancing together: observe how he imitates basic steps, if any when trying to follow yours; offer praises each time he does something right; switch partners (you could be his dance partner now!) whenever needed; keep going until both party members feel satisfied upon ending session – all those small details make up an awesome bonding experience too good not worth trying out at least once!

Red Light Green Light

Red Light Green Light is a brain game for golden retrievers. It helps them use their problem-solving skills and teaches them patience and discipline. You need to stand some distance away from your pup with a treat in hand or on the floor and give the command “red light” or “green light”. When you say “red light”, your pup must stop moving, and when you say “green light”, they can move toward you. If they move while it’s red, start again! As they get better at this brain game, increase the difficulty by adding more distance between you and your pup each time. Give lots of praise and rewards when they do it right!

Jumping Rope

Jumping Rope is a brain game for golden retrievers that can help them use their problem-solving skills and teaches them patience and discipline. To play, you will need a rope. Stand some distance away from your pup with the rope in hand, then give the command to “jump” or “stop”. When you say “jump”, your pup should jump over the rope; when you say “stop,” they must stop jumping. As they get better at this brain game, increase the difficulty by adding more jumps each time.

Ring Stackers

Ring Stackers is a brain game that you can play with your golden retriever. It helps the dog use their problem-solving skills and teaches them patience and discipline. To play, you will need some rings or other small objects. Start ring stacking with one ring. Set it down near your dog. Your dog doesn’t realize the goal is to pick it up. Beware. Mark her ring look! Mark her ring proximity! Mark if she sniffs! Celebrate if she takes it!

What if your dog paws the ring? Ignore. It’s not what you want, and changing the criteria may cause confusion.

Move your dog with the ring next. Once the dog has the ring, start moving. Drop it, stop. Wait until he starts moving.

Place the ring-stacking post now. Move toward the post and wait while your dog holds the ring. Reward your dog if it touches the post. The dog must know the ring must touch the post.


The brain games outlined above are perfect for golden retrievers. These brain games can help them use their problem-solving skills, develop patience and discipline, and form strong bonds with their owners. Dancing with you is the perfect brain game to stimulate your retriever’s body movement coordination and mental capabilities. Red Light Green Light is a great game that will test your pup’s understanding of commands and requires patience on their part. Jumping Rope is another brain game they can play while strengthening the bond between them and you. Finally, Ring Stackers helps your golden retriever learn problem-solving skills while helping them understand how to interact with objects to achieve a goal.

It’s important to understand how golden retrievers learn, as this will allow you to create brain games tailored specifically for them. Golden retrievers are smart dogs who respond well to treats and verbal praise when they do something right, so it’s important to reward them when they complete a brain game successfully. Additionally, give them time to rest after playing brain games too long; this will help keep their attention focused and prevent any stress or frustration from arising due to overworking themselves mentally during brain games. With regular practice and rewards given for success, even the most complex brain games can be mastered by your golden retriever!

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