20 Reasons Why Goldens Drool & How to Reduce!

Reading Time: 7 mins
golden retriever panting with mouth open

Have you ever noticed your Golden Retriever drooling more than usual? It’s not uncommon for Goldens to be a bit slobbery, but excessive drooling can sometimes indicate an underlying medical issue. If your pup is drooling excessively, it could be due to anything from anxiety and allergies to poisoning and neurological disorders.

In this article, we’ll explore 20 potential causes of golden retriever drooling and discuss how you can reduce it in your furry friend. From age-related issues to digestive problems, we’ll cover all the bases so that you have a better understanding of why your pup might be producing too much saliva. We’ll also provide tips on preventing or reducing drool production in your golden retriever so that they stay healthy and happy.

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reasons why Goldens drool and what to do

1. Dental Disease

Some Golden retrievers drool because they have problems with their teeth. It can also be caused by not being able to chew or swallow well. They have dental problems if they have bad breath, loose teeth, or a lot of tartar on their teeth. If you notice any of these things, it’s best to take your puppy to the vet for a checkup.

Regularly brushing your dog’s teeth will help prevent dental diseases and reduce the amount of drool he or she makes.

2. Allergies and Food Intolerances

Golden Retrievers can also drool because of allergies or food intolerances. If your Golden drools a lot after eating certain foods, it could be because it has an allergy or can’t digest some of the ingredients. It is important to figure out which foods are causing the problem so that you can stay away from them in the future.

Read More: Golden retrievers are hypoallergenic! True or false – all the info you need

3. Anxiety or Stress

Golden Retrievers can also drool when they are excited or stressed. If your dog drools a lot when doing certain things or meeting new people, it could be a sign that he or she is stressed or anxious. If this is the case, it’s important to give your pup a place to relax and something to do to calm him down.

Read More: Stress in Dogs : Causes, Signs and solutions

4. Hot Weather

When it’s hot out, golden retrievers tend to drool and salivate a lot. If your pooch starts to drool more than usual when the temperature goes up, it could mean that they are too hot and need help cooling down. In this case, make sure your dog has plenty of fresh, cool water to drink and look for places with shade to keep him out of the sun.

Read More: Panting in golden retrievers. What you didn’t know!

happy golden retriever with collor on the beach panting and smiling

5. Poor Diet

A poor diet can also cause drooling in Golden Retrievers. If your puppy isn’t getting enough food, he or she may drool and salivate a lot. Making sure your dog has a healthy, well-balanced diet will help keep their saliva production in check.

Read More: Golden retriever Nutrition Basics – 7 Essential Nutrients for growth

6. Teething:

Puppies who are teething may suffer from an over-production of saliva during this process as they lose their baby teeth and grow new ones. Ensuring your pup has plenty of toys and treats to chew on will help reduce irritation and minimize salivation.

Read More: Does your golden retriever bite a lot? Find out why and how to prevent it.

7. Poor oral hygiene:

If a Golden Retriever’s teeth or gums are inflamed due to poor oral hygiene, it can lead to excessive drooling, bad breath, and other dental issues. Brushing your pup’s teeth regularly or using dental wipes can help keep their mouth healthy and prevent drooling caused by inflammation or infection in the mouth.

8. Prescribed Medication:

Certain medications prescribed by veterinarians may cause side effects such as excessive saliva production in dogs, so if your vet prescribes any medication for your pet, watch for signs of increased drooling since this could indicate the medicine’s impact on them.

9. Liver Disease:

Liver disease, either due to genetics or environmental factors, can also cause excess saliva production in Golden Retrievers. If you suspect your pup may have a liver disorder, it would be best to take them to the vet for diagnosis and treatment.

Read More: 21 Common Dog Diseases (and What To Do)

10. Rabies:

Rabies is a very serious virus that can cause excessive drooling in dogs. If your pup has been exposed to any potential sources of the rabies virus, such as wild animals or an infected pet, it’s important to take them to the vet for testing and treatment ASAP.

Read More: Rabies in Dogs: All Question Answered!

11. Poisoning:

Poisoning is another potential cause of excessive drooling. If your pup has ingested any type of toxin, such as household cleaning products or insecticides, it’s important to seek immediate veterinary care.

golden retriever on floor made of ceramic brown tiles

12. Jaw Nerve damage:

Jaw nerve damage, either due to trauma or a degenerative neurological condition, can cause abnormal saliva production in some Golden Retrievers. If you suspect your pup may have a jaw injury or neurological issue, it would be best to take them to the vet for examination and treatment.

13. Excess Saliva Production

Different Golden Retrievers have different amounts of saliva. If your puppy drools a lot, there may not be much you can do to stop it. However, making sure they stay hydrated and always have access to fresh water will help keep the drooling in check.

14. Licking the Face or Other Objects

People know that golden retrievers like to lick their owners and other things. Even though this may not be the main cause of drooling, it can cause too much saliva to build up and make you drool a lot. If your dog likes to lick, try giving them toys or treats to keep them busy instead.

15. Mouth Irritation from Foreign Objects

Goldens can sometimes get sticks or stones stuck in their mouths, which can make them uncomfortable and make them drool. If your dog has been around something that could be irritating, check their mouth and remove anything that could be hurting them.

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16. Over-eager Eating Habits

When it comes to food, Goldens are known for being very excited. If your puppy drools a lot while eating, it could be because they are eating too fast and swallowing air, which can cause them to drool a lot. To help with this, try giving them their food in smaller portions or giving them slow-feeder bowls.

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17. Age

Finally, age can also play a role in drooling. Senior Goldens may have difficulty controlling their saliva production due to weakened muscles and nerves in the mouth. If this is the case, ensuring your pup stays hydrated and comfortable is important.

old golden retriever smiling

18. Medical Conditions:

Some medical conditions, such as kidney disease, can cause excessive salivation in some Golden Retrievers. If you suspect your pup has a medical issue that could be causing drooling, it would be best to take them to the vet for a check-up.

Read More: 15 Signs That Its Time To Visit The Vet Immediately

19. Digestive Problems:

Digestive issues, such as gastritis or pancreatitis, can lead to drooling in dogs. If your pup has been exhibiting signs of digestive distress, such as diarrhea or vomiting, it’s important to take them to the vet for testing and treatment.

Read More: The Benefits of Probiotics for golden retrievers

20. Motion Sickness:

Motion sickness can also lead to excessive drooling in some dogs. If your pup has been drooling a lot when traveling, it could be a sign of motion sickness, and you may need to adjust their car rides or use calming remedies for travel anxiety.

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In conclusion, drooling in Golden Retrievers can be caused by various factors. From age and teething to medical conditions and poisoning, there are many possible explanations for why your pup may be experiencing excessive salivation. If you suspect that your golden is drooling due to an underlying health issue or behavior problem, it’s best to take them to the vet as soon as possible so they can diagnose and treat any potential issues. Remember, if you keep up with regular dental care (brushing teeth/using dental wipes) and provide plenty of toys for chewing during teething periods, this will help reduce irritation, which could lead to excessive drool production!

Some key takeaways:

  • There are many different things that can make Golden Retrievers drool.
  • sometimes Golden Retrievers drool because of allergies or food intolerances. go to a vet if you notice anything unusual.
  • Golden Retrievers can also drool when they are excited or stressed.
  • When it’s hot out, Golden retrievers tend to drool. Make sure your dog has plenty of fresh, cool water to drink, and look for places with shade to keep him out of the sun.
  • Making sure your dog has a healthy, well-balanced diet will help keep their saliva production in check.
  • Having plenty of toys and treats to chew on will help reduce irritation and minimize salivation. Poor oral hygiene, prescribed medication, liver disease,
  • rabies, poisoning, jaw nerve damage, digestive problems, and motion sickness can all cause drooling in your Golden Retriever.
  • If drooling persists despite all of these solutions, it’s best to have your Golden Retriever evaluated by a vet.

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