Vegetables Flat Coated Retrievers Can & Shouldn’t Eat

Reading Time: 5 mins
flat coated retriever with tongue licking nose

Flat Coated Retrievers are popular because of their friendliness and loyalty. Active animals need a balanced diet of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals. Flat Coated retrievers need vegetables for growth. Onion, Garlic and oxalic acid-containing rhubarb leaves are harmful to Flat Coated retrievers. The article discusses which vegetables Flat Coated retrievers can and cannot eat and how to feed your picky dog veggies!

Read More: 21 Health Care Tips for Your Flat Coated Retriever

Vegetables which Flat Coated Retrievers can eat:


Carrots are low-calorie and high-fiber snacks. Your dog enjoys chewing this orange vegetable. Commercial Dog foods contains it. Mix them with other veggies for a healthy snack. Flat Coated retrievers can be trained with baby carrots.


Flat Coated retrievers love nutritious peas! Dogs can eat fresh, frozen, or thawed peas, but not canned ones!


Flat Coated retrievers benefit from broccoli’s vitamin C. Like you, it benefits your dog’s health. Commercial dry dog foods contain broccoli. Fiber, antioxidants, and digestible plant protein are in it. Vitamins and minerals!

Sweet Potatoes

Beta-carotene, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and iron in sweet potatoes keep Flat Coated retrievers healthy.

Give your dog a cooked, peeled sweet potato. Never feed your dog raw sweet potatoes. They’re hard to chew and may upset your dog’s stomach and intestines.

Green Beans

Green beans provide energy-boosting carbohydrates and dietary fiber to Flat Coated retrievers. Flat Coates can eat any type of plain green beans. Vets recommend green beans as a healthy treat for dogs. Even better, most dogs love them.


Spinach contains antioxidants that protect cells from free radical damage and vitamins A, K, and minerals like potassium and zinc!


Pumpkins contain antioxidant carotenoids, omega-3 fatty acids, and Vitamin A, which keep Flat Coated retriever coats shiny and healthy! Instead of canned pumpkin, feed Flat Coated retrievers fresh pumpkins for a vitamin boost.


Cucumbers, high in water and low in calories, are safe for Flat Coated Retrievers.


Kale contains calcium, magnesium, potassium, and vitamins A, C, and K. Its high fiber content helps Flat Coated retrievers digest. Boiling kale reduces its health benefits, so steam or blanch it.


Celery contains vitamins A and K and dietary fiber to help Flat Coated retrievers digest. Celery’s low calories help Flat Coated retrievers lose weight.


Beets contain fiber, Vitamin C, potassium, folate, and magnesium. Anti-inflammatory betalain pigments fight free radicals. Beets are healthy for Flat Coated retrievers in moderation.


Flat Coated Retrievers can eat corn, but they need more protein than carbohydrates. Corn is safe, but corn on the cob isn’t. Dogs cannot digest corn on the cob.

Brussels sprouts

Brussels sprouts are high-fiber too. They contain metabolism-boosting vitamins C and K and trace minerals like magnesium. Brussels sprouts are high in fiber and can cause digestive issues in Flat Coated Retrievers, so they should only eat a small amount.


Flat Coated retrievers love lettuce. Because it has vitamin A, iron, and fiber, Lettuce helps Flat Coated retrievers digest and reduce inflammation.


Flat Coated retrievers can moderately eat cauliflower. Vitamins A and K, magnesium, and potassium keep Flat Coated retrievers healthy.


Flat Coated retrievers can eat cooked pinto, black, butter, and red kidney beans. Before feeding, make sure the beans are cooked.


Cabbage contains vitamins, minerals, and fiber that keep Flat Coated retrievers healthy. Flat Coated retrievers can maintain weight by eating cabbage, which is low in calories. If your dog eats too much cabbage, it can cause digestive issues.

Vegetables which Flat Coated Retrievers shouldn’t eat:


Sulfoxides and disulfides in onions poison Flat Coated retrievers. Onions can damage red blood cells and cause anemias.


In large amounts, garlic can poison Flat Coated retrievers. Garlic can make your Flat Coated retriever very sick.

Rhubarb leaves

Rhubarb leaves contain oxalic acid, which can cause paralysis or seizures in Flat Coated retrievers if eaten.


Amanita phalloides, the “death cap” mushroom, can kill Flat Coated retrievers. Mushrooms can poison your Flat Coated retriever.

Raw Potatoes

Raw potatoes contain large amounts of solanine and chaconine, which are poisonous to Flat Coated retrievers.


Eggplant is not toxic, but some dogs are allergic to nightshades like eggplant. Flat Coated retrievers may be allergic to eggplant.

How to Feed a Flat Coated Retriever that Hates Vegetables?

If your Flat Coated retriever is picky about vegetables, try mixing small pieces of cooked vegetables into their food. Add peanut butter or cheese to enhance the flavor. Recipes and textures can help your Flat Coated retriever like vegetables. Try different veggies to see what they like, but remember that not all Flat Coated retrievers will eat greens! If you are worried about feeding your dog vegetables, consult your vet.

Can Dogs Eat Raw Vegetables?

Flat Coated retrievers can eat raw vegetables, but only in moderation and after researching their safety. Avoid feeding Flat Coated retrievers the toxic vegetables listed above and chop or grate the veggies to make them easier to digest. Dogs can get vitamins A, C, K, magnesium, potassium, and trace minerals from raw vegetables.

Can Flat Coated Retrievers Eat Fresh Produced Canned Vegetables?

Fresh farm-grown or picked vegetables are better for your dog than frozen or canned ones. You can feed them frozen and canned vegetables in moderation. Flat Coated retrievers can eat canned vegetables without salt, sugar, or chemicals. Canned vegetables contain fiber, antioxidants, vitamins A, C, and K. However. Canned vegetables contain too much sodium for Flat Coated retrievers. Before feeding your Flat Coated retriever canned vegetables, check the can for spoilage. To further reduce sodium, rinse canned vegetables with fresh water before serving. Introduce new foods to your Flat Coated retriever slowly and consult your vet if you have any health concerns.


Some vegetables are bad for Flat Coated retrievers. Garlic, rhubarb leaves, mushrooms, raw potatoes, and eggplant. Rhubarb leaves contain oxalic acid, which can paralyze or kill Flat Coated retrievers. Garlic and garlic-containing foods can make dogs sick. Flat Coated retrievers can die from eating too many death cap mushrooms. Raw potatoes contain solanine and chaconine, which can poison dogs in large amounts. Eggplant is not toxic, but some Flat Coated retrievers may be allergic to nightshades.

Mix small cooked vegetables into your Flat Coated retriever’s food if they don’t like them. Peanut butter or cheese can make veggie dishes more appealing. Get creative with recipes and textures. To make them easier to digest, chop or grate raw vegetables for your Flat Coated retriever. Canned vegetables without salt, sugar, or chemicals are fine, but large amounts should be avoided due to their high sodium content. Before adding new foods to your Flat Coated retriever’s diet, consult a vet and introduce each vegetable slowly to reduce health risks.

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