Can dogs detect Covid-19? YES!

Reading Time: 3 mins
golden retriever covid detector

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread, scientists and researchers are looking for new ways to detect the virus. While humans have access to diagnostic tests such as PCR tests or antibody tests, one question that many people have been asking is whether dogs can be trained to detect coronavirus in humans. The answer may surprise you – recent research has shown that dogs can indeed be trained to identify individuals infected with COVID-19. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at how this works and what it could mean for our fight against the virus.

The first step in training dogs to detect COVID-19 is the same as with any other task that requires animal detection – teaching them how to recognize a particular odor. We know that the virus has a distinct smell, so scientists have begun teaching dogs to associate this smell with infected individuals. To do this, they’re using samples from infected individuals, which are then presented to the dogs in a controlled environment. The dogs are then rewarded for correctly identifying the odor with treats or other incentives.

watch this video to see how dogs can detect covid19

Once the dogs have learned to recognize the smell of COVID-19, they can be used to screen people who may not yet show symptoms. This could be crucial in helping us identify and isolate those who have been exposed to the virus before they become contagious. Dogs can also be trained to detect changes in body temperature and respiration rate, which can indicate an infection even before symptoms appear.

The potential benefits of using dogs to detect COVID-19 don’t stop there – researchers believe that this type of training could eventually help us identify other infectious diseases as well. This could be particularly useful in developing countries that lack the resources to access sophisticated diagnostic tests.

The use of dogs for COVID-19 detection is still in its early stages, but the results so far are encouraging. The hope is that this type of training will become a valuable tool in our fight against the virus and help us quickly identify those who have been exposed to it.

reasons why dogs make good covid detectors

1. Dogs can be trained to recognize the distinct smell of COVID-19.

2. Dogs can detect changes in body temperature and respiration rate, which could indicate an early infection before symptoms appear.

3. The use of dogs for COVID-19 detection is potentially more reliable than other sources that require sophisticated diagnostic tests or resources not available in developing countries.

4. Dogs are able to quickly identify those who have been exposed to the virus, helping us isolate them immediately if necessary.

5. Training dogs for this purpose does not require expensive technology or resources, making it a cost-effective way of detecting the virus with high accuracy rates.

6. This type of training could potentially be used to detect other infectious diseases in the future.

7. With further research, this type of training could become a valuable tool in our fight against the virus.

8. The results from using dogs to detect COVID-19 have been encouraging and show promise for the future.

9. We may soon be able to rely on dogs as a reliable means of detecting the virus and helping to control the spread of COVID-19.

10. This could potentially be a game changer in our efforts to contain the virus and keep people safe.


If you’re interested in learning more about how dogs are being used to detect coronavirus, be sure to check out some of the research that has been conducted on this topic. You can also stay up-to-date on developments by following organizations such as Doggone Good Detection Dogs or Scent Detectors LLC, which are working to train dogs for this purpose. As technology continues to advance, we may soon be relying on our furry friends to help us fight the virus.

If you’d like to help out in this fight, consider donating your time or money to organizations that are researching and training dogs to detect COVID-19. Your support could go a long way in helping us win this battle against the virus and keeping people safe. Thank you for your support!

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